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We specialize in serious and mysterious health issues and focus on stabilizing digestion, inflammation, food sensitivities, stress, detoxification systems, chronic pain, and sleep.
Learn to embrace wholesome real food that works for you while deeply investigating the imbalances, infections, deficiencies, and real needs of your body. Kind, caring, professional support to help you stabilize and get back to life!
Hi! I’m Liz. I’ll be your Functional Nutritionist & support you every step of the way!
Are you ready to feel better?
Are you frazzled? Are you frayed? Hanging on by a thread? I will offer an honest assessment of what’s possible for you at this stage of life. Improving and stabilizing your health is a vital component to unleashing the next chapter of your beautiful life and I am here to help you do that.
Many of my clients are accumulating serious medical diagnoses or see them on the horizon. They feel like their health is spiraling out of control and they aren't living their life as fully as they envision might be possible.
It's amazing how much recovery can happen when we create a more wholesome and balanced diet, heal the digestive system, remove inflammatory triggers, reduce toxic exposure, and balance the blood sugar handling systems.
These are the foundational, root cause imbalances that I see so often.
Using the holistic, functional nutrition and Restorative Wellness Solutions approach, which includes working not just with food, but also with stress, toxic exposure and other lifestyle factors, and layering in functional lab testing and root cause analysis, I have helped clients have pain free periods, eliminate reflux, stabilize their weight, reduce cravings, reduce chemical sensitivity, avoid medications, normalize cholesterol levels, normalize bowel movements, eliminate candida and H.pylori, and so much more!

Your body is not your enemy
Have you been in battle with your own body for far too long? I will share with you a combination of ceremony and science, love and lab tests to show you that your body is not your enemy. It has just been asking, whispering, begging, perhaps screaming for your help. Are you ready to deeply listen and respond with wisdom and clarity?
We have helped our clients with health issues such as:
Terrible digestive issues from constipation to diarrhea, reflux, belly pain, gas, and bloating.
Blood sugar is out of balance, pre diabetes, hypoglycemia, insulin resistance.
Always hungry or binge eating.
Break out in hives or have developed asthma, food sensitivities, or chemical sensitivities.
Weight is unstable.
Exhausted all the time and yet they often have trouble sleeping.
Immense stress, anxiety, depression, trouble concentrating, inability to feel joy.
Recovering from surgery.
Seasonal allergies.
Hot flashes or menstrual pain.
Joint pain or muscle pain.
Belly hurts from eating.
Fatty liver or detoxification need.
Embarrassing gas, painful bloating or always need to be near a bathroom.
Learn more about my lab testing system
In this video I discuss how I layer important lab tests together to create a customized plan of action for my clients. Each person is different and the investigative process is so important. A functional analysis of your results along with my knowledge of your symptoms and other food and lifestyle factors helps us identify what is most important for you. Is it eradicating bad bugs in your gut or removing food sensitivity foods? Is it managing stress or getting better nourished? Is it supplements or food? I will make it all make sense for you and you will gain a deeper wisdom and understanding about how your body works and what it needs now and into the future.
Our Most Popular Lab Tests
The test results are just the beginning. Next, we will analyze, prioritize and take action to rebalance your body systems and improve your body’s ability to function better.
Functional Blood Chemistry
Recommended as a yearly check-up.
Our functional approach gives you actionable knowledge about what your body needs. Includes thyroid panel, inflammation, lipids, liver, nutrient deficiencies, blood sugar and more. Learn how successful your interventions have been. Set priorities for the year.
Food Sensitivity Test
Recommended to calm inflammation.
The MRT is a food sensitivity test that helps us identify foods causing inflammation and pain. Gain more food freedom rather than having every meal cause mysterious discomfort. Helps with bloating, reflux, hormones, sleep, energy, brain fog, migraines and more.
GI MAP Digestion Test
Recommended for belly pain, autoimmunity, hormones, skin.
See what's going on in your microbiome and digestive system. Tests for bacteria, fungus, yeast, parasites, worms, and protozoa. Investigate gut immunity, leaky gut markers, gliadin sensitivity, pancreatic sufficiency and liver detoxification.
Cyrex Array Autoimmune
Recommended for unexplained conditions.
Autoimmune conditions often go unacknowledged for decades. Are you wondering what the heck is wrong? This powerful screening gives us so much clarity about how your body is responding and what’s causing all those flares and pain.
Functional Nutrition Deep Dive
You can expect our work together to include these components.
Functional Lab Testing
Your insurance probably won’t pay for these tests and that is what makes working outside of the regular medical care establishments so vital to your health and stability. I offer an extremely deep investigation into digestion, microbiome, blood labs, thyroid health, autoimmune screenings, food sensitivities, inflammation, hormones, and blood sugar.
Have you been randomly pulling supplements off the grocery stores shelves or listening to friends or influencers about what works for them? Is your pile of supplements increasing by the year and you’re not even sure why you’re taking any of it anymore? I will help you stop the ineffective randomness, save money, and use supplements for set periods of time and that are truly targeted to your needs and priorities.
Food, Lifestyle, Stress, Toxic Exposure
You’ve completed Nourish + Flow but you still need help in these areas. We’ll take a deep exploration into upgrading and fine tuning in these areas. Once we start talking it all through, so much becomes clear about what your next priorities need to be. You do not have to do this alone.
Ceremony, Grounding
As a yoga teacher and wilderness guide, I know the power of ceremony and grounding practices. I know you seek more than clinical analysis, facts and science (though you’ll get lots of that too!). You need a way to welcome newness. New foodways, new healing, a new way of being into your life. This is a profound moment of dedication and change and we will create space to be fully present, and to activate your intentions.
Book It Today
You’re ready to change your life, take control, finesse your health, feel better!
Do you wonder what happened to your life? Are you ready to take it back?
You know you need a caring support system.
You’re ready to have a partner in your health.
You’re not getting the answers you want and need from your medical team and it’s time to look deeper and take a more holistic, full systems approach.
I’m here for you.
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Client Testimonials
“My digestive system gives me no problems whatsoever anymore - in both directions. Nothing weird comes up or down.”
“After months of serious work together, I can even go back to eating foods that caused problems before, with no digestive issues. I’m in awe of the changes I am feeling and my renewed freedom.”
“The depth of your insightinto my digestive system and inflammatory issues was huge. I had no idea this level of care existed. I am recommending you to all my friends. It really seemed like everyone has digestive conditions and we thought it was a normal part of aging. I am amazed by how much my body has changed after this intensive work.”
“I find it shocking that removing food sensitivity foods so significantly reduced my stress levels. I can feel in body how the two are connected. Thank you! I am so relieved though a bit mad that no one ever told me about this type of work before now! So much time wasted but I am ready to move on.”
“I felt so supported recovering from serious GI surgery. When the doctors were done with me, I still needed so much help recovering and I could not have figured it out alone.”
“Your ability to finesse the connection between lab test results, infections, inflammation, food strategies, supplements and my own personal barriers to change was quite remarkable. I am so glad to have found you. My belly doesn’t hurt anymore and I feel that you unlocked a new zest for life that I didn’t know I had at this age.”
“This Food Sensitivity Test explained a lot. I had been breaking out in hives and getting painful bumps on my tongue. I felt like every meal caused some sort of issues. I just couldn't figure out what foods to eat without reacting. Liz help me understand exactly what the results meant and supported me as I changed my diet. I feel so much better! Onward to the digestive healing part of the program but I already feel like I have a surprisingly great start after years of no answers.”
“I don't need a nap after every meal. Enough said! I truly thought food made everyone tired. I did not know this was my body telling me to wake up and deal with it. So grateful for this support and process to recover.”
“One month off of my food sensitivity foods and my debilitating menstrual symptoms melted away. I barely knew my period was coming.”
“I learned that my body is not my enemy. The months of careful eating, the money spent on supplements, lab tests and consultations was well worth it. I now know that I don’t have to be in constant battle with my body and that is quite a priceless gift to have given me.”
“I took the leap and sought out care beyond what my insurance company would pay for. I was hesitant but now I can see the barriers in the insurance and medical fields were preventing me from figuring out what was going on. We ordered tests that were not approved by insurance and we discovered really important things about my health. This stuff should be part of medical care but since it's not, I'm so glad I made this commitment.”
“I had a lifetime of painful, embarrassing and unpredictable digestive issues. Liz masterfully combined food sensitivity support with digestive healing with all kinds of other advice too. I have never felt better. I had no idea I didn't have to live like that. A lot of emotional issues came up as my body shifted. I appreciated the care and understanding on that level too. I was surprised by how emotional the journey was. I felt safe and supported throughout.”